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    Agricultural Engineering : Manufacturing Technology


Any metallic component can be developed by one or more of the techniques

A.  Metal cutting and machining
B.  Metal casting
C.  Power metallurgy and welding
D.  All of the above


The welding process can be divided into different categories

A.  Fusion welding
B.  Forge welding
C.  Both
D.  None of these


The crystal structure of alpha iron is

A.  Body centred cubic
B.  Face centred cubic
C.  Hexagonal close packed
D.  Cubic structure


The metallic structure of mild steel is

A.  Body centred cubic
B.  Face centred cubic
C.  Hexagonal close packed
D.  Cubic structure

In oxyacetylene welding, the pressure of gas is more in
A.  Oxygen cylinder
B.  Acetylene cylinder
C.  Equal in both cylinder
D.  All of these