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    Mechanical Engineering : I.C. Engines Question & Answer in English

The working cycle in case of stroke engine is completed in the following number of revolutions of crankshaft.
A.  ½
B.  2
C.  3
D.  4

The ratio of indicated thermal efficiency to the corresponding air standard cycle efficiency is called.
A.  Net efficiency
B.  Efficiency Ratio
C.  Relative efficiency
D.  Cycle efficiency

The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terms of. 
A.  Kcal
B.  Kcal / kg
C.  Kcal / m2
D.  Kcal / m3

If the intake air temperature of I.C. Engine increases its efficiency will
A.  Increase
B.  Decrease
C.  Remain same
D.  Unpredictable

All heat engines utilise
A.  Low heat volume of oil
B.  High heat volume of oil
C.  Net calorific value of oil
D.  Calorific volume of oil