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Todays' Thought
He that can have patience can have what he will.
- Benjamin Franklin
जिसके पास धैर्य है वह जो चाहे वो पा सकता है |
- बेंजामिन फ्रैंकलिन

    Mechanical Engineering : Thermodynamics Question & Answer in English

Which of the following variables controls the physical properties of a perfect gas.
A.  Pressure
B.  Temperature
C.  Volume
D.  All of these

Which of the following laws is applicable for the behaviour of a perfect gas.
A.  Boyle’s law
B.  Charle’s law
C.  Gay – Lussac law
D.  All of these

The unite of temperature in S.I. units is - 
A.  Centigrade
B.  Celsius
C.  Fahrenheit
D.  Kelvin

The units of energy in S.I. units is - 
A.  Watt
B.  Joule
C.  Joule/s
D.  Joule/m

An Ideal gas as compared to a real gas at very high pressure occupies.
A.  More volume
B.  Less volume
C.  Same volume
D.  Unpredictable behaviour