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Todays' Thought
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
- Dale Carnegie
दुनिया की ज्यादातर महत्त्वपूर्ण चीजें उन लोगों द्वारा प्राप्त कि गयीं हैं जो कोई उम्मीद ना होने के बावजूद अपने प्रयास में लगे रहे |
- डेल कार्नेगी

    Abbreviations Question & Answer in English

The full form of "FDI" is -
A.  Foreign Direct Investment
B.  Foreign Digital Investment
C.  Foreign Digital Industry
D.  Fund Development Industry

The full form of "EPFO" is -
A.  Employees Provident Fund Organization
B.  Economic Provident Fund Organization
C.  Employees Provident Foreign Organization
D.  Economic Provident Foreign Organization

The full form of "CRR" is -
A.  Cash Repo Rate
B.  Cash Reserve Ratio
C.  Credit Repo Rate
D.  Credit Reserve Ratio

The full form of "CFRA" is -
A.  Combined Finance & Revenue Accounts
B.  Comprehensive Finance & Revenue Accounts
C.  Credit Fund & Revenue Accounts
D.  Credit Finance & Revenue Accounts

The full form of "GPF" is -
A.  General Provident Fund
B.  Global Provident Fund
C.  Gross Provident Fund
D.  General Public Fund

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