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    Agricultural Engineering : Farm Machinery

Mechanization possibility is strongly influenced by
A.  Farm size
B.  Cost of farm power
C.  Availability of suitable machines
D.  All of the above

The application of engineering and technology in agricultural operations to do a better way to improve productivity
A.  Custom hiring
B.  Farm mechanization
C.  Farm machinery
D.  All of the above

When ploughing one hectare of land once by bullocks having 15 cm. furrow width, has to walk about (km)
A.  55
B.  65
C.  66
D.  67

The field capacity (ha/day) of traditional implements is about
A.  0.3-0.4
B.  0.4-0.5
C.  0.5-0.6
D.  0.6-0.7

Farmers depends upon the animal drawn implements (%) about
A.  70
B.  80
C.  90
D.  60